2018, Number S1
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Cuba y Salud 2018; 13 (S1)
The virtual classroom: its formation and necessity for the Latin American Medicine School
Torres CTE, Briggs JMB, Morúa DVLP, Sarrión NA, Gómez MJM, Suárez HL
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 93-97
PDF size: 275.93 Kb.
Objective: to describe the formation process of Virtual Classroom and its necessity for ELAM in the 2008-2017 period.
Materials and Methods: a longitudinal and descriptive study was carried out in 2008-2017 period. Different empiric and theoretical methods were used to analyze the evolution of virtual classroom development and its main elements associated with technological, pedagogical, organization and the communication elements.
Results: the Moodle plateau (versions 1.6 y 2.4), from the server available in Informatics Medical Department served 82% quested students had access to the virtual classroom since Moodle plateau 2.4, to rescue and create didactical materials. The 48% had connection problems as a technological difficulty and the 52% acceded satisfactory. The 94% was motivated inside the area of virtual classroom. Comparing to other studies carried out were identified similarities in the necessity to incorporate the virtual classroom in the new educative tendencies.
Conclusions: the process for formation of ELAM virtual classroom was slow and its results are satisfactory. The investigation confirms that it is a necessity for medical institutions the development of the virtual education to improve the profile of the health professional that is formed.
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