2018, Number S1
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Cuba y Salud 2018; 13 (S1)
Physical knowledge for the General Integral Medicine
Kudelia L, Sosa PC, Vega MME
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 208-211
PDF size: 901.31 Kb.
Objective: to characterize the interdisciplinary relationship to the subject Introduction to General Integral
Medicine (I.GIM) and Physics.
Materials and Methods: normative documents of both subjects were analyzed, Calendar Plan, Programs,
Methodological Orientation, System of abilities and knowledge, text books and booklet.The study universe
were 1 031 of students registration of Introduction of General In-tegral Medicine, first year, non-intention
probabilistic sample 103 students (10%) represented by: 31 students from Elam Pre Academic course, 56
from Cojímar Pre Academic course and 16 without Pre Academic course; to whom a questionnaire was applied
about utility of Physics knowledge and abilities in their learning of I.GIM. The descriptive statistics allowed
determining the statistical valor for qualitative data and the tables to present the resumed information.
Results: interdisciplinary node, knowledge, abilities, statistics valor that constitute the basical elements of
the interdisciplinary relationship of I.GIM and Physics, having into account the professional medical profile. A
work with Pre academicals (group 10) of the 1ST semester 2017-2018 course was done, having into account
the cognitive nodes, investigated before and other aspects of Physics-GIM relationship.
Conclusions: the interdisciplinary relationship of Introduction to General Integral Medicine (I.GIM) and the
Physics was characterized.
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