2018, Number S1
Perceived barriers and physical activity in the population of an office of the Teaching Polyclinic “José Trujillo”
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 150-155
PDF size: 436.01 Kb.
Objective: to describe the barriers that limit the systematic practice of physical activity in the population of an office of the Teaching Polyclinic “José Trujillo” of Mariel municipality.Materials and Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional and retrospective study was conducted between January and November of 2017, in a health sector of the community of Cabañas del Mariel. The population consisted of 523 individuals older than 18 years of age, from which a sample of 284 subjects was obtained by simple random sampling. Two questionnaires were applied, one with the purpose of obtaining data on the systematic practice of physical activity and the Quiz of barriers to physical activity. A p value <0.05 was considered significant.
Results: physical inactivity is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. In the population of the Clinic 4 physical activity decreases with age, men were more active than women in all age groups and were recognized as real barriers that limit the systematic practice of physical exercises: lack of energy, lack of time, social influence and lack of will.
Conclusions: were the lack of energy, lack of time, social influence and lack of will the real barriers that limit the systematic practice of physical exercises in the Clinic 4 of the Community Polyclinic “José Trujillo”.
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