2018, Number 18
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Rev Tame 2018; 6.7 (18)
Paciente con deficiencia intelectual; manejo periodontal
González JMÁ, Pacheco PYT
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 698-700
PDF size: 327.33 Kb.
Intellectual deficiency is considered as a disorder that deveopes before 18 years old; It dicreases the individual's function, sensibility and functional capacities, which makes it hard to perform daily functions on his own such as toothbrush; decreasing their life quality. The goal is to describe the periodontal management of patients with intellectual disability; based on an adequate and early diagnosis; and the use of strategies that promote motivation. Male patient with intellectual disability is diagnosed with slight chronic periodontitis is treated with hygiene measures (taught together with the family). Subsequently it is operated by debridement in the surgical phase . The success of the treatment depends on social, family and oral factors such as high incidence of caries and periodontal problems due to a high index of dentobacterial plaque; Treatments should be designed individually from family, psychological, medical and oral diagnosis. Periodontal mainteinance depends on plaque control; patients with intellectual disability are dependent on their environment. It is essential to include them in a program to prevent the recurrence and progression of periodontal disease in long term.
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