2019, Number 4
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2019; 27 (4)
Prevalence of overweight and obesity in children 2 to 4 years of age from a nursery in Veracruz, Mexico
Briones-Alemán KA, González-Osuna D, Pedraza-Zárate MÁ, Hernández-Martínez E
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 206-211
PDF size: 206.48 Kb.
Introduction: The World Health Organization considers obesity as a global epidemic. At present
it is a growing and important public health problem as it is a common risk factor for chronic
pathologies. Childhood obesity is a disease in which it has been difficult to achieve effective
therapeutic approaches and results maintained, so it is advisable that their treatment be
addressed in an interdisciplinary way being the first link primary care.
Objective: To determine the prevalence of obesity and overweight in children aged 2 to 4 years
in kindergarten number 001 of Veracruz.
Methods: Preschool children enrolled in day kindergarten number 001 of the Mexican Social
Security Institute of Veracruz, from June to August, 2016. It was a cross-sectional study through
anthropometric evaluation (weight, height, BMI) of children from the maternal area with Age
2 to 4 years, both sexes, this classification was performed according to percentile criteria
established by BMI for age according to WHO and WHO program was used Anthro V.3.2.2.
Results: The prevalence of obesity was 7.45% according to BMI, overweight in 8.51%, risk of
malnutrition in 58.51% and malnutrition 17.02%.
Conclusions: Our study shows a considerable prevalence of altered nutritional status,
predominantly malnourished, which contributes to the knowledge of the situation of this
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