2019, Number 5
Maternal risks associated with prematurity
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 1155-1173
PDF size: 170.43 Kb.
Introduction: a bibliographic review was carried out on the maternal risks associated with prematurity in the Neonatology service of the Carlos M. de Céspedes Provincial General Hospital, in Bayamo, Granma, in the period from 2016 to 2018.Objective: to determine the maternal risk factors of premature infants who had a delivery before 37 weeks.
Method: Medicine-specific textbooks were used and Internet articles were compiled through search engines such as the Elsevier Publishing Service, the National Secretariat of Science and Technology, LILACS, MEDLINE with the assistance of the specific PUBMED search engine, IMBIOMED, The Cochrane Library, SciELO.
Results: analyze whether maternal factors such as: maternal age, parity, educational level, socioeconomic level toxic habits and maternal diseases, genitourinary infections, multiple pregnancies, previous abortions, premature rupture of membranes and placenta previa, as well as smoking are related with prematurity, as the main causes of prematurity.
Conclusions: children of mothers with toxic habits, teenage pregnancy, maternal diseases associated with pregnancy (anemia, high blood pressure, cervicovaginal infection), mul-tiple pregnancies, previous abortions and urinary tract infection, are more likely to be born before birth term of pregnancy; and constituted maternal risk factors for premature births.
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