2019, Number 4
Off-label medications: from terminology to practice
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 854-871
PDF size: 387.84 Kb.
The use of off-label medications, outside of a clinical trial or outside the conditions of authorization, has benefited patients in exceptional situations. Drugs used in this context are grouped under the rubric of special uses. A bibliographic review was made for a period of six months (April _ October 2018) to a total of 25 articles published in Pubmed, Hinari, SciELO and MEDLINE databases, with the purpose of updating terminologies and some concepts related to these medicines. In the investigation it was possible to verify that diverse terms have led, in some cases, to confusion and even to choose a protocol of wrong action. It was concluded that although the ideal is to base therapeutic decisions on scientific evidence, this is not always possible. The prescribers are free to choose the therapeutic option that they consider best, regardless of the conditions of use proposed in the technical file.REFERENCES
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