2019, Number 4
Educational intervention on teenage pregnancy. CMF # 37. Niquero
Figueredo FM, Fernández ND, Hidalgo RM, Rodríguez RR, Álvarez PT
Language: Spanish
References: 9
Page: 731-743
PDF size: 288.39 Kb.
Introduction: adolescence tends to be the age of contradictions and misunderstandings, all this coupled with misinformation and lack of sexual education, makes it possible for adolescents to believe themselves capable of conceiving.Objective: to raise the level of knowledge in adolescents with the implementation of an educational program on adolescent pregnancy in the CMF # 37, municipality of Niquero, during the period from November 2016 to May 2018.
Method: a quasi-experimental study (educational intervention) was carried out. Sample of 32 female adolescents A survey is applied before and after the intervention. The data are processed in percent and the nonparametric test of the signs test is applied to evaluate the changes in the knowledge of the adolescents before and after the intervention. Results: adolescents aged 15 to 19 predominate. Prior to the intervention, the adolescents had inadequate knowledge regarding: adequate age for having the first child, knowledge about contraceptive methods, consequences of pregnancy for the adolescents and the future baby. After the educational program was designed, implemented and evaluated, they were achieved raise the level of knowledge on the subject, achieving the effectiveness of the intervention.
Conclusions: the hypothesis was confirmed that by applying an educational program in adolescents about adolescent pregnancy, the level of knowledge was positively modified.
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