2019, Number 3
Evaluation of the execution of the National Program for Prevention and Attention to Suicidal Behavior
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 349-362
PDF size: 478.94 Kb.
Introduction: suicide behavior in its different ways represents an international health problem. Statistics of suicide attempts are high but they are not even close to reality.Objective: To assess the performance of the Program of Prevention and Care to suicide behavior. Nueva Paz, 2015.
Methods: an evaluative study was performed. Surveys, interviews, observation guides and knowledge exploring were applied about the Program in a universe formed by 176 individuals. Criteria, indicators and standards for the variables Evaluation of de structure, process and result were established. The evaluation of each criteria was considered as adequate if the real obtained value was equal or higher to the standard, and no adequate if it was lower. The performance of the program was defined as adequate when at least the 70 % of the established criteria and their standards were accomplished. For the statistical analysis of the variables absolute frequencies and percent were used; besides, the no parametric Mc Nemar test was used to compare the results taking into consideration before and after moments of the application of actions of the personnel who works in the Program.
Results: the 85.7 % of the 21 measure criteria were adequate.
Conclusions: the assessment of the performance of the National Program of Prevention and Care of Suicide Behavior in Nueva Paz in 2015 was adequate.
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