2019, Number 06
Predictive factors of work capacity and individual health of hand operators from Santiago
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 997-1011
PDF size: 1065.42 Kb.
Introduction: Questionnaire on Work Capacity Index rate is used in occupational health to evaluate the perceived work capacity.Objective: To determine the perceived work capacity and its relationship with sociodemographic and labor variables.
Method: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional investigation was carried out in workers of the Railroads Company in Santiago de Cuba, during 2016. The study population was conformed by 156 hand workers. The instrument Work Capacity rate was implemented and its confidence was evaluated with the Crombach alpha coefficient.
Results: The average age was 45 years. There was a prevalence of the male sex (87.8 %), 12 grade as school level (53.8 %), workers of mixed race (37.2 %), being married as marital status (52.6 %) and occupational category of repair operators (69.9 %). Most of them worked in turns (72.8 %), and perceived work with prevalence of physical content (54.5 %) and moderate load (62.8 %). In the instrument implemented satisfactory scores were obtained.
Conclusions: Workers perceived their work capacity as good and moderate, which was not related to age.
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