2020, Number 2
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Salud Mental 2020; 43 (2)
Psychometric properties of the SV-RES Resilience Scale in Mexican women with breast cancer
Durand-Arias S, Roldán-Hinojosa D, Orozco R, Mora-Ríos J
Language: English
References: 32
Page: 91-99
PDF size: 369.21 Kb.
Introduction. Resilience is an adaptation resource for coping with adversity or high risk, in this case, breast
cancer diagnosis. The SV-RES Resilience Scale, created in Chile, is a valid, reliable measure for evaluating
healthy behaviors in adversity and could be useful for evaluating resources available to women with breast
cancer diagnosis in Mexico.
Objective. To obtain the psychometric properties of the SV-RES Resilience
Scale in Mexican women with breast cancer.
Method. 114 women with breast cancer attending a cancer
care center were included. They answered the self-administered SV-RES Resilience Scale comprising three
resources: “I am,” “I have,” and “I can.” The dimensions of the scale were identified through an exploratory
factor analysis.
Results. The scale presented overall internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha of .974),
with seven dimensions (identity, satisfaction, links, networks, internal strength, self-efficacy, and affectivity/
reciprocity) that accounted for 72.75% of the variance.
Discussion and conclusion. The SV-RES scale is
a valid, reliable measure for assessing resilience in Mexican women with breast cancer. Since it is a short,
self-administered, and reliable instrument, it is useful for clinical practice and research in similar populations
to identify the resources people have for coping with their medical conditions.
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