2019, Number 3
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Rev Hum Med 2019; 19 (3)
Research and clinical skills in the training of medical students
Vergara-Barra PA, Rubí GP, Macaya SX
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 596-606
PDF size: 271.43 Kb.
This work contains the results of a bibliographic review carried out with the objective of
exposing the importance of the development of research and clinical skills in the process
of training of medical students. It is found that promoting research in students allows,
among other things, to open the doors of knowledge to the development of new
technologies and procedures in different medical specialties. It can be concluded that
enhancing the interest of students in research validates the scientific method as an
articulating cord between training content and clinical skills, along with benefiting the
work with their patients, promoting the implementation of better health responses.
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