2019, Number 30
Considerations for a definition of quality from a healthy approach
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 1-9
PDF size: 278.74 Kb.
The definition of Quality has evolved in history and approaching it from this perspective implies referring to its five stages in which the gurus made their contributions. To propose considerations for a definition of quality from a healthy approach. The systematic bibliographic review of the definitions of quality, its historical evolution and its application in the context of health systems and services were used. The Pan American Health Organization cites that, to date, although there is a common interpretation of the basic concepts and defining dimensions of quality, there is no universally accepted definition. Thus, Spain, Colombia, and Mexico adopt theirs with elements that coincide such as equity, efficiency, satisfaction, and person-centered care. Definitions of quality and their application in the context of health have evolved and countries have adopted and proposed different statements. Considerations are proposed for a definition of quality from a health approach that among other elements includes providing relevant, timely, safe and efficient services, as well as technological discipline, competition and empowerment, on an axiological basis, of the actors in the processes.REFERENCES
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