2019, Number 3
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Invest Medicoquir 2019; 11 (3)
Epithelial dysplasia in older adult
Morales ML, Lescay MY, García RJL, Mayan RG
Language: Spanish
References: 12
PDF size: 287.09 Kb.
A clinical case of a 80 year-old masculine patient is presented, with antecedents of ischemic cardiopaty and stents placement, for that which is controlled with clopidrogel 1tab a day, arterial hypertension controlled with captopril 2 tab a day, clortalidona 1tab a day, nitrosurbide 3tab to the day and ¼ of daily aspirin, presenting also injures ulcerativ of high and irregular borders with homogeneous texture, color eritematoso and approximate size at 2x1cm distributed in left cheek, hard palate, borders and language tip, with approximately 8 months of evolution, which was treated previously with therapy laser with I diagnose of more sores. He went to our consultation of suffered Periodoncia of pain and ardor to the ingest of foods and the speech, accompanied besides submandibulars adenopathy and anxious square. He/she was carried out biopsy with impression it diagnoses of carcinoma epidermoid whose I diagnose definitive it was epithelial displasia.
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