2019, Number 3
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Invest Medicoquir 2019; 11 (3)
Effectiveness of the laser radiation in the treatment of the bucal aphthas
Language: Spanish
References: 16
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Introduction: The buccal aphthas are one of the more frequent injuries of the buccal cavity, of unknown origin, that appear during the course of certain illnesses.
Methods. We carried out a study of therapeutic intervention, to measure the effectiveness of the laser of going down power in 80 patients that were present at the consultations of the Estomatológica clinic educational H and 21, with diagnosis of buccal aphtha. To all is applied you analgesic parameters and antinflamatorioses, with daily sessions they varied between one and five frequencies.
Results. 80% of the patients remitted the painful symptoms and more tan 50% did it between the first and third visits. The injuries disappeared totally in 62.5 % of the patients about the and sixth day approximately.
Conclusions. It demostrated the effectiveness of the treatment and therefore an increase in the quality of life of the patients.
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