2019, Number 3
Effectiveness of strategy antitabáquica in students
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 1-15
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Introduction. The consumption of tobacco begins in early ages and it constitutes factor of risk of many illnesses. Methods. An investigation cuasiexperimental was carried out, the universe it was constituted by 230 first year-old students Ability of Stomatology, course 2016-2017, a sample of 50 students was selected by probabilistic sampling, 25 of both sexes, and they were applied a survey that allowed to characterize the consumption of cigarettes, it was designed and it applied, the strategy antitabáquica, a second survey was applied, including PNI. Results. The results showed that after having applied the strategy I diminish the quantity of smoking students of a 54.0% to a 26.05, being achieved a decrease of the consumption in both sexes. A 69.2% smoked more quantity that is representative more than 12 months ago the masculine sex, the reason that prevailed was to share with the friends in parties represented by a 69.2%. Conclusions: The cigarette consumption diminished in half with regard to the quantity of students that you/they smoked before being applied the similar strategy in both sexes. Half of the students that continued smoking they wanted to stop to make it. The knowledge rose in the entirety of the students. The opinion on the applied strategy was positive in its entirety and the effectiveness of the same one was high.REFERENCES
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