2019, Number 42
Preventive care integrated in the students of the University of Quintana Roo
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 12-16
PDF size: 455.82 Kb.
Introduction. Integrated preventive care are the set of actions aimed at preventing the onset or decrease the likelihood of suffering a specific disease.Objective. To have a diagnosis of integrated preventive actions of the Medicine and Nursing students of the DIVISION of Health Sciences of the University of Quintana Roo.
Material and methods. A study was carried out with an observational, transversal and descriptive design, with the participation of 220 students from the medical and nursing careers from 1st to 4th semester of the Division of Health Sciences, each of them presented their National Health Book, with which the Integrated Preventive Actions were identified with those that counted.
Results. It was considered that less than 15% of the students have such actions and this study reflected as a general result a high risk condition, overweight or obesity, a predisposing factor for cardiovascular diseases.
Conclusions. Students of medicine and nursing go through multiple stages in order to adapt to the high requirements that the career demands, these affect positively or negatively on their general health, which could decrease if they had timely information; the importance of primary prevention in a health promoting university to avoid the appearance of a disease or health problem by controlling the risk conditioners.
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