2020, Number 1
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Medicentro 2020; 24 (1)
Some characteristics of skin cancer in patients from Sagua la Grande municipality
Roque PL, González EM, Pérez AND
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 165-173
PDF size: 234.66 Kb.
A cross-sectional descriptive study was aimed at characterizing the prevalence of skin cancer in patients from Sagua la Grande municipality during 2017. The sample included 237 patients with a positive diagnosis of skin cancer who were treated in the dermatology consultation at "Mario Antonio Pérez" and "Idalberto Revuelta" polyclinics. 75.1% of the patients were over 60 years of age; and 53.5% male. 69.6% of the patients were diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma; 58.2% of them with nodular subtype. The most frequent location was the nose (31.2%). The knowledge of this information is necessary to draw up strategies aimed at primary and secondary health prevention that allow facing skin cancer as a health problem.
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