2020, Number 1
Considerations on community social psychology with a Marxist perspective in primary health care
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 129-148
PDF size: 349.79 Kb.
Introduction: community social psychology takes the community as its particular object of study. The considerations were shown from a Marxist perspective in this theoretical review of community social psychology, which will facilitate investigations of social problems in primary health care.Objective: to implement programs for promoting healthy lifestyles and disease prevention in communities through the contributions of Marxism.
Methods: a systematic bibliographic review on the subject was carried out. An instructive card was elaborated for data collection and a direct content analysis was applied for their processing.
Conclusions: the considerations on the social community psychology allowed, from the theoretical point of view, to make contributions in the intervention work in the community; that primary health care can respond to social and health problems; and contributed to the promotion of healthy behaviors and disease prevention.
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