2020, Number 1
Rhythm of tooth eruption of different dental groups in children with permanent dentition
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 36-53
PDF size: 576.75 Kb.
Introduction: knowledge of tooth eruption is of great importance in clinical orthodontic practice. This is a long process closely related to the growth and development of the rest of the craniofacial structures.Objective: to characterize rhythm of tooth eruption of the different dental groups in children with permanent dentition at "Vietnam Heroic" School, in Santa Clara, from March 2016 to February 2017.
Methods: an epidemiological, descriptive, longitudinal and prospective study was conducted on children from Vietnam Heroic" School in Santa Clara from March 2016 to February 2017. The study universe consisted of 506 children of both genders, between 5 and 13 years of age. The sample was finally made up of 142 individuals. Weighted average values of the monthly rhythm of tooth eruption for each dental group were obtained, and the average clinical duration of tooth eruption according to gender and race of the patients.
Results: differences were found between arcades and hemiarchs in terms of rhythm of tooth eruption. Maxillary teeth erupted faster than mandibular ones. Females were more advanced in the rhythm of tooth eruption in central incisors and first molars, and more delayed in upper and lower first bicuspids, lower canines and upper lateral incisors.
Conclusions: canine and first premolar presented the highest rhythm of tooth eruption in both jaws. No significant differences were found between the genders. The clinical duration of tooth eruption was shorter in black people and it took approximately six months in both genders.
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