2019, Number 2
Approach to the didactic competence profile of professors from the stomatology career
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 98-110
PDF size: 216.62 Kb.
Background: The professor´s didactic competence in medical education constitutes a basic pillar to ensure that the quality of the teaching-learning process allows the graduate to perform efficiently in solving problems.Objective: To determine the didactic competence profile of professor from the Stomatology career.
Development: Based on the fundamentals of general pedagogy in the context of medical education according to the conditions of the teaching-learning process in the Stomatology career, the didactic competence construct of the Stomatology professor was taken as a reference to develop its profile. The didactic competence in this context implies the planning, organization, execution and control of the teaching-learning process. Proper planning facilitates the achievement of the remaining functions.
Conclusions: The professor´s profile from the stomatology career will allow establishing coherent and pertinent parameters for the evaluation and training of the teacher, which constitutes a substantial improvement of the stomatological care to the population.
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