2019, Number 2
Oral Health Education Program in inmates of the Youth Care Center. Sancti Spiritus
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 53-64
PDF size: 425.08 Kb.
Background: The insufficient level of knowledge about oral health, the presence of risk factors and the characteristics of youth, are determining elements that favor the development and application of educational programs.Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of the Oral Health Education Program in inmates of the Youth Care Center in Sancti Spiritus province from January to July 2017.
Methodology: A quasi-experimental study of community intervention with former and later design in an uncontrolled environment was designed, sample of 42 inmates aged 18 to 25. The level of knowledge was identified through a survey, practices through a structured interview and the efficiency of oral brushing through the control of dentobacterial plaque.
Results: A change from 9.5% to 71.4% of good knowledge level was observed, as well as practices and brushing efficiency from 31.0 % to 83.3%.
Conclusions: The Education Program demonstrated its effectiveness by obtaining satisfactory results regarding the modification of knowledge and practices on oral health in inmates.
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