2019, Number 3
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Correo Científico Médico 2019; 23 (3)
The importance of functional foodstuff manipulation risks for human health
Zamora IIE, Barbosa Y
Language: Portugués
References: 16
PDF size: 374.66 Kb.
There is an increasing worldwide interest to consume functional foodstuff for curing and preventing some diseases, as a result of the scientific – technological development. Since the 90 's, this issue has motivated academic and international organisms- like FAO, WHO and OPS, to investigate this issue to reduce health cost, social damages and to awake human conscience towards precautionary actions. The aim of this article is to contribute to alimentary diseases prevention through education on functional foodstuff handling, from bibliographic revision and theoretic method for manipulation and usage of functional foodstuff, attending to his alimentary benefits, for health and economy.
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