2019, Number 3
Down´s syndrome related to infants psychomotor development
Language: Portugués
References: 19
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Introduction: this bibliographic review shows the last 5 years research on Down syndrome (DS) infants psychomotor development.Objective: to identify the relevant aspects of psychomotor development in children with DS.
Method: a descriptive research to emphasize other authors´ opinion. Mendeley and Google Scholar programs were used to resume and filter the quality of each reviewed article.
Results: 1895 articles were obtained. Once the inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied, they threw 20 articles for reviewing: 13 originals from the Mendeley database, 8 were repeated in the OAL search and Google Scholar academic database. Another 7 were found in various magazines such as: Buenos Aires Digital Magazine, Virtual Down Syndrome Magazine, Down Magazine, Downcantabria.com. Search methodology is described in the flow chart (fig.1) performed according to the recommendations of the PRISMA standard.
Conclusion: results have presented evidence of recent events articles. They allow us to extract data for synthesizing and corroborating the relationship between psychomotor development and SD. On one hand, physical characteristics of children with DS were reviewed. On the other hand, it shows physical comparisons between a child with DS and a child with typical characteristics, with a notable difference according to studies.
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