2019, Number 3
Oleozon® treatment effectiveness over denture stomatitis with associated candidiasis
Language: Portugués
References: 14
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Introduction: subprosthesis stomatitis is a frequent inflammatory alteration, which can degenerate into a hyperplastic lesion.Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of Oleozon® in the treatment of subprosthesis stomatitis with associated candidiasis.
Method: an intervention study at doctors office 14 of the Stomatological Clinic from “Ángel Ortiz Vázquez” policlinic, between November 2015 and March 2017. The universe was 322 patients and the sample 120, all assigned in a random way. The study group (60 patients) treated with Oleozon® and the control group (60 patients) treated with nystatin in suspension in a 1:1 ratio. They underwent a mycological exudate of the palatal mucosa to confirm the presence of some variety of Candida. The evaluated variables were: age, sex, disease clinical grade, prosthesis hygiene and lesion healing time.
Results: grade I sub-prosthesis stomatitis predominated with 71.7% and the group II presented 28.3%. The maximum Oleozon® effectiveness was 14 days when it reached 48.8%, while the nystatin maximum effectiveness during the same period was 22.2% (grade I). Study group patients healed faster. Stomatitis subprostheses grade II patients reached 89.5% at the study group and the 80% of the control group were healed.
Conclusions: Oleozon® seems to be as effective as nystatin, with a satisfactory response in most patients.
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