2019, Number 3
Laboratory parameters for head and neck cancer treated with Nimotuzumab
Language: Portugués
References: 34
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Introduction: Nimotuzumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody used in the treatment of head and neck cancer.Objective: to assess lab exams results in patients with advanced head and neck cancer, who participated in the Phase-IV clinical trial with Nimotuzumab.
Methods: a series of cases study, in a sample of 30 patients with advanced head and neck cancer, who participated in the Phase-IV clinical trial with Nimotuzumab from February 2012 to February 2015 at Vladimir I lich Lenin General Hospital at Oncological O torhino laryngology consultation and the Clinical Trials Department , using quantitative determinations for previous researched parameters . Descripti ve and associating measures were used.
Results: there was a predominant trend in patients over 60 years old, smokers and alcoholics. The most common adverse reactions were hematologic, out of them anemia reached 33 %. The average values of alkaline phosphatase (ALPs) and lactate dehydrogenase (LD) in the four treatment schemes and during all stages, were kept within normal limits, except in Scheme B, in which after two years, the average LDH value was higher than referenced values.
Conclusions: Anemia turned to be the most frequent adverse reaction in all treatment schemes, alkaline phosphatase and lactate dehydrogenase did no show relevant evolutional variations.
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