2019, Number 3
Didactic guide for Dentistry Major: Interpretation of pulpar inflammatory processes and the pain
Language: Portugués
References: 17
PDF size: 401.41 Kb.
Introduction: significant learning is an effective instrument for daily professors’ medical education challenges. Didactic guides and conceptual maps allow students cognitive development, teaching quality and an adequate learning process.Objective: to elaborate a didactic guide and conceptual map of the lecture “Interpretation of the pulp inflammatory processes and the pain”, as well as teaching and evaluation.
Method: a developmental research was carried out in the teaching-learning process, within the phases of the pulpal inflammatory process, at the Stomatology Department of Medical Sciences Faculty “Mariana Grajales Coello” from the Medical Sciences University of Holguín, Cuba. The universe was formed by professors and 3rd year students; represented by 40 students and 10 professors, who gave their opinion about the proposed guide, through a questionnaire prepared by the authors.
Results: the elaborated didactic guide was evaluated as excellent. Most of the indicators used such as: subject support during teaching process and fulfillment degree of the program´s general objective, with the 100% of acceptance.
Conclusions: the didactic guide had a high acceptation by the students and professors.
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