2019, Number 3
Prosthetic rehabilitation at Manuel Angulo Farrán Academic Odontology Clinic, Holguín, Cuba
Language: Portugués
References: 16
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Introduction: dental prosthesis is aimed to teeth and associated parts substitution, to recover their function and aesthetics.Objective: to characterize denture wearers according to age, sex, type of dentures and most rehabilitated jaws.
Method: a transversal study was carried out in the Prosthodontics Department of the dental clinic, from January to December 2018. Universe was formed by 1 568 patients and the sample by 1 341 patients, who fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Absolute number and percentage were send.
Results: female were the most rehabilitated patients representing 64.8%, and the most relevant age group was the 60 years older, representing 50.2 %. Rehabilitated maxillary was 98.7% of the total of patients and upper complete dentures were the most needed, representing 46.1% of the total appliances.
Conclusion: rehabilitated patients were characterized in the dental clinic, where females were the most affected. The investigation revealed that the older the patient the higher dental loss and the need of complete dentures.
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