2019, Number 2
Psychopedagogical strategy for preventing Burnout syndrome at workplace
Language: Spanish
References: 13
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Introduction: Burnout syndrome is provoqued by a prolonged response of the organism to stress, emotional and interpersonal factors such as chronic fatigue, inefficiency and refutation. It is usually present in those workers with ridiculous levels of tasks have already become an unconscious and social habit.Objective: to elaborate an educational guidance strategy for teachers, according to their function of Psychopedagogue for Burnout syndrome prevention.
Methods: a descriptive, prospective and qualitative study was carried out using theoretical and empirical methods such as: historical-logical, analysis-synthesis, surveys, interviews, observation, group technique and Burnout syndrome records.
Results: there were insufficiencies. From the total sample of 19 professionals, some indicators revealed 15 (79%) of participants with emotional fatigue and low self-realization highlighted symptoms.
Conclusions: the strategy contributes to prepare the psychopedagogue on Burnout syndrome prevention and improves the educational process. It also provides greater psychological stability and favors educational influences unity.
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