2020, Number 1
Relación de los hallazgos del ultrasonido, la resonancia magnética nuclear y la artroscopía en las meniscopatías
Language: Portugués
References: 26
Page: 93-107
PDF size: 199.36 Kb.
Introduction: according to the literature there are discrepancies between the findings on ultrasound, nuclear magnetic resonance and arthroscopy, which is why the latter is considered the gold standard for the diagnosis of lesions of internal structures of the knee. Objective: to evaluate the relationship between the echo, nuclear magnetic resonance and arthroscopy in meniscal lesions. Method: a descriptive and observational study was carried out at the “Arnaldo Milián Castro” Hospital in the Province of Villa Clara between January 2015 and March 2017. Results: 33.3% of the patients were between 40 and 49 years old and 77.7% were male. In 58.7% the affected knee was the right and in 86.1% the cause was nontraumatic. According to the location of the meniscal rupture, the greatest number of lesions of the medial meniscus was diagnosed by NMR (61%) and US (58%), those of the lateral meniscus were diagnosed by US (41%) and arthroscopy (39%). Ultrasound and resonance showed good agreement for the location and the exact point of the lesion. Conclusions: the correlation was very good for the variables analyzed between the three diagnostic methods, the largest being between magnetic resonance imaging and arthroscopy due to the coincidence index detected between them.REFERENCES
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