2020, Number 1
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Med Int Mex 2020; 36 (1)
Level of knowledge in high blood pressure in patients with this disease of Mexico City
Baglietto-Hernández JM; Mateos-Bear A, Nava-Sánchez JP, Rodríguez-García P, Rodríguez-Weber F
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 1-14
PDF size: 211.59 Kb.
Objective: To determine the level of knowledge on systemic high blood pressure in
subjects with this disease by a survey.
Material and Method: A prospective study was done from July to December
2018, applying a survey including questions about knowledge on high blood pressure,
prevention, risk factors, diagnosis, treatment and pressure taking.
Results: The survey was applied to 274 patients: 153 women and 121 men; they
were classified into groups according to gender and age. In the male group, it was
found high blood pressure in 33% of 75 years or older, 55% of 60 to 75 years,
32% of 45 to 60 years, 26% of 30 to 45 years, and 14% lesser than 30 years old.
In the female group, high blood pressure was found in 28% of 75 years or older,
43% of 60 to 75 years, 9% of 45 to 60 years, 6% of 30 to 45 years, and 2% lesser
than 30 years old.
Conclusion: According to the results of the survey, knowledge about the
disease in the population is needed, so that it can be prevented correctly, and
its risk factors can be reduced; since they were people with high blood pressure
from 30 to 75 years.
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