2019, Number 3
Educational intervention for informal caregivers on frail elderly care
Language: Portugués
References: 15
Page: 367-377
PDF size: 374.64 Kb.
Introduction: the aging population provokes an increase of the personnel in charge of the care of the elderly, frequently not qualified for this function.Objective: to assess the effectiveness of an educational intervention in caregivers of frail older adults, in terms of improving their level of knowledge about care work.
Methods: a quasi-experimental study of educational intervention, carried out in caregivers of frail older adults, belonging to the University Polyclinic "Pedro Borrás Astronga", between 2016 and 2018, randomly selecting a sample of 147, fulfilling the selection criteria. There were three stages, applying an educational intervention strategy in the intermediate level, assessing the level of caregiver knowledge in the first and last. Ethical principles were respected.
Results: Female caregivers predominated (73,5 %), from the age group 40-49 years (26,5 %), with an average of 28,7 months and 5,3 hours per day performing in this function. Except for the feeding theme, the remaining ones showed adequate levels of knowledge below 65 % of the sample, rising to more than 80 % in all after the intervention given. From 31,3 % of caregivers with an adequate level of knowledge at the beginning of the study, it was possible to increase to 87,8 % at the end of the study.
Conclusion: the intervention managed to increase the level of knowledge of caregivers, which will allow them to perform well in their care, thus guaranteeing a better quality of life for them and for the older adults they serve.
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