2020, Number 02
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Revista Médica Sinergia 2020; 5 (02)
History of anticoagulants and their clinical use in the present
Molina CD, Campos QM, Campos QM
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 365-365
PDF size: 173.46 Kb.
The classic oral anticoagulants were exclusively used for more than 65 years, the effectiveness they have to treat thromboembolic events and their complications is known, in addition to this they have other advantages, such as low economic cost and the availability of antidotes, However, they have a wide variety of limitations and side effects, due to this and the prevalence of thromboembolic diseases in the growing geriatric population, new oral anticoagulants are developed, created to reinforce the limitations and reduce the adverse effects of classic anticoagulants, these drugs reached their peak with the approval of antidotes such as idarucizumab a monoclonal antibody that inhibits dabigatran and andexanet alfa a drug with the potential to reverse the effects of direct and indirect factor Xa inhibitors.
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