2020, Number 02
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Revista Médica Sinergia 2020; 5 (02)
Approach of deep vein thrombosis in lower limbs
Mora SV, Villalobos VE
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 360-360
PDF size: 134.56 Kb.
Deep vein thrombosis in the lower limbs is a frequent disease within the emergency services, so its correct diagnosis and treatment is very important. Age, immobilization and orthopedic surgery have been key triggers for the onset of blood vessel obstruction and its migration. The use of the Wells Scale is a key tool for categorizing and performing appropriate management, without falling into the use of unnecessary or expensive tests, the effective use of parenteral anticoagulants and warfarin have allowed a decrease in the incidence of complications severe in these patients.
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