2019, Number 5
Antibacterial therapy: origin and evolution in the time
Language: Portugués
References: 13
Page: 1300-1309
PDF size: 160.27 Kb.
The human beings have always looked for an explanation to the phenomena and a solution to his misfortunes. Firstly the instinct was what guided the man to look for remedies to alleviate his ills licking or cleaning his wounds. By means of the "trialerror" method, the prehistoric man was finding plants and mineral substances that were effective. In the Middle Ages and the Modern World, the Hippocratic-galenic medicine took Dioscorides as the great referent in relation to therapeutic. As the years went by, scientist like Pasteur, Koch, Cantani, Emmerich, Low, Tiberio, set the bases for Freudenreich, Domagk, Fleming, Waksman among others to discover and improve the wide range antibiotics known today. In spite of these advances, multiple mechanisms of bacterial resistance putting in danger antibiotic effectiveness are observed today.REFERENCES
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