2019, Number 5
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Rev Méd Electrón 2019; 41 (5)
How to assess the supposed crisis of values in Cuba. Does the crisis really exist?
Toledo MTE, de la Hoz SM, Castañeda GC
Language: Portugués
References: 13
Page: 1288-1296
PDF size: 108.37 Kb.
The assessment of the complex social and intergenerational relations is a right for each
individual, as thinking subject with ability for that. This theme has many sides and its
treatment have motivated many points of view in the current Cuban society. Otherwise
it is very interesting and has been approached by academic personalities, intelligentsia,
managers and simple citizens; it is that it includes a life sense and the necessity of
retaking paths affected by different causes. The theme should not be strange for any
person with common sense and concern for our country. How does current Cuban
society look at this social phenomena and what is the context the situation takes place
in? Which are the tendencies and who takes part more in them? Who think on them
scientifically? The current article deals with this theme. It pretends to inspire the
analysis, and the assumption of a position allowing to develop, at least, elements
facilitating work in the best considered sense.
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