2019, Number 5
Guidelines for the independent work of Medical Sciences students
Language: Portugués
References: 20
Page: 1205-1216
PDF size: 119.63 Kb.
The man, with his wisdom and intelligence, has been able to create teaching aids that have not been forgotten through the times; they have been put in to service of teaching to achieve the comprehensive training of the personality. The new century, characterized by the increase of knowledge volume in every branch of the sciences, needs the independent work for training students of all education levels. The purpose is providing the teachers a group of didactic requirements to prepare study guidelines for the independent work of Medical Sciences students. A documental study of the theme was carried out searching all publications on the theme published in Scielo Cuba, Scielo Regional, and Pubmed in the period 2017-2018. Didactic guideline is the digital or printed document used as a resource for learning, through which the performance of the teacher and the students is fulfilled in the teaching process, in an organized and planned way, and declares didactic requirements for the development of the teaching learning process complementing the assimilation of knowledge. Didactic guidelines in function of the independent work are resources having the purpose of methodologically orienting the student in its independent activity, serving at the same time as a support for the dynamic of the teaching process while guiding the student in its learning, favoring autonomy, the relation between knowledge, skills and values and also community participation as scenery for performing the independent work.REFERENCES
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