2019, Number 4
Scientific publication in Médica Electrónica. Triennium 2016-2018
Language: Portugués
References: 15
Page: 928-938
PDF size: 752.19 Kb.
Introduction: scientific production serves, in some cases, to evaluate the human staff of a health care, scientific and academic institutions. Scientific activity generated in the health are in Cuba, is generally disseminated in the different medical journals. For that assessing the progress of these publications allows to identify achievements, deficiencies and to establish strategies for solving them.Objective: to assess the behavior of scientific publication in Revista Médica Electrónica, in the triennium 2016-2018.
Materials and methods: descriptive, observational study where the articles published in Revista Médica Electrónica were quantified and analyzed. The assessed variables were: quantity of articles, kind of articles, authors´ contribution per article and quantity of bibliographic references in each of them.
Results: during the three studied years, a total of 494 articles was published, a quantity outnumbering the previous years. The number of original articles increased. The contribution between 5 and 6 authors predominated in the journal. The total of cited bibliographic references was 7 819. 2018 was the year providing more quantity of quotations, in correspondence with the quantity of published articles, because it was the volume containing more quantity of articles.
Conclusions: an increase of the articles quantity was appreciated. Original articles and case presentations predominated. It was evidenced an increase of the historic and opinion cases. Collective contribution predominated; a great quantity of articles declared 5 and 6 authors.
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