2019, Number 4
Educational actions to reduce recurrence in the diabetic foot of patients treated with heberprot-P
Language: Spanish
References: 7
Page: 280-286
PDF size: 96.28 Kb.
One of the most frequent complications of diabetes mellitus is diabetic foot ulcer associated with neurological, vascular and infectious disorders. With the discovery of heberprot-P a new treatment was more effectively added against this condition. The authors intend to socialize a system of educational actions aimed at patients treated at "Santa Clara" University Polyclinic, in Villa Clara, to reduce recurrences that occur in 9% of them, higher than the average values at a national level that range from 5 to 7%. Among its actions are mentioned: knowledge on the subject, benefits of a healthy diet, need of physical exercises, use of footwear and glycemic control; they were taught and organized using pedagogical techniques in workshops once a week.REFERENCES
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