2019, Number 4
Training system for the design of virtual courses using Moodle 3.0
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 191-203
PDF size: 130.61 Kb.
Background: training teachers to teach their knowledge using distance learning allows the rational and economic use of resources, so it is necessary to train them in the use of computing tools that facilitate the design of virtual courses.Objective: to implement a training system for the design of virtual courses using Moodle 3.0.
Methods: a pedagogical pre-experiment was carried out at Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences, from January 2016 to December 2018. Theoretical methods were used: analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction and historical-logical; empirical: survey in the form of questionnaire and unstructured interview; and mathematical-statistical for absolute and relative values.
Results: knowledge insufficiencies among teachers related to the familiarization and design of a virtual course were diagnosed, they declared not having the necessary skills to interact with the tools of Moodle 3.0; although they did recognize that it is a good educational option and that it favors undergraduate and postgraduate learning, so a training system was developed that was valued by specialists.
Conclusions: it was estimated as feasible to be applied, relevant, novel and it´s well methodologically structured, by specialists. After its implementation it was proven its demonstrated effectiveness in better levels of knowledge in the teachers who designed several virtual courses using Moodle 3.0.
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