2019, Number 4
Self-care of the genitourinary system in young university students
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 136-151
PDF size: 145.46 Kb.
Background: the genitourinary system infections have been identified among the most frequent in primary health care consultations; there is a significant percentage of university students who suffer from them, which affect their quality of life.Objective: to develop a system of activities to promote self-care of the genitourinary system in university students.
Methods: a development research was carried out in 2015, at the Faculty of Health Technology. Theoretical methods were used: historical-logical, analytic-synthetic and inductive-deductive; empirical ones: analysis of documents, observation, questionnaires and interviews with young people and teachers, and the criteria of specialists to assess the proposal.
Results: there was little risk perception of the factors that cause affectations in the genitourinary system of young students, they had not been aware of the self-care value for the preservation of their health and they did not assume it as influencing in life quality; they omitted the individual responsibility in the prevention and control of the causes that exert negative influences in their organism, so a system of activities was elaborated that was valued by criteria of specialists.
Conclusions: the elaborated system promotes the self-care of the genitourinary system through the articulation of curricular and extracurricular activities that promote positive attitudes towards the care of the body and the improvement of quality life; it was assessed as relevant and adequate to the purposes for which it was created.
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