2019, Number 4
Modeling of the medical ward round according to the comprehensive medical care professional function
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 37-52
PDF size: 282.41 Kb.
Background: it is necessary to strengthen the quality of teaching in medical education and particularly in the ward round in the medical degree.Objective: to design a didactic model of the ward round from the perspective of the comprehensive medical care professional function.
Methods: a development research was carried out at the Guantanamo School of Medicine during the 2017-2018 academic year. Theoretical methods were used: analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, systemic-structural and modeling; empirical: documentary analysis; and statistical mathematics for absolute frequencies and calculation of percentages. The design was assessed by specialist’s criteria.
Results: In the documentary analysis, a ward round modeling was not found from the perspective of the comprehensive medical care professional function , as required by the professional model of the Cuban general practitioner, so a didactic proposal was designed that contains two stages where several categories in a system form emerge, which guarantee the student-teacher-workgroup-patient-family-community interaction.
Conclusions: the model designed for the ward round is consistent with the comprehensive medical care professional function. The specialists consulted valued it with possibilities of being applied in pedagogical practice to generate favorable changes in the performance of medical students for the solution of health problems.
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