2019, Number 4
Repeat and dropout in Medicine students at Manabí Technical University, Ecuador
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 20-36
PDF size: 233.92 Kb.
Background: the results of institutions of higher education are affected by the phenomena of repetition and dropout, which make it difficult for students to graduate or not to do so in the times established by their study program.Objective: to identify the causes of repetition and dropout behavior in Medicine students of Manabí Technical University, during the academic year from October 2017 to March 2018.
Methods: an analytical descriptive study was carried out. Theoretical methods were used: analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction and historical-logical; Empirical ones: the data from the Academic Management System of the university were analyzed for the determination of repetition and dropout rates, questionnaire survey of students; and mathematical-statistics for absolute and relative frequencies.
Results: the period with more repeat students was April-August 2017. The most recurrent causes were identified: family, health and economic problems; pre-admission preparation also influenced and others related to deficiencies in the study; almost all of them expressed having received little or no differentiated attention; It was recognized that leaving school in the degree was moderate.
Conclusions: the diagnosis made allowed to identify the causes of the repetition which constitutes a weakness for the achievement of high academic efficiency in the medical degree at this university, which warns about the need to implement educational strategies that reverse the problem investigated.
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