2019, Number 4
Upgrading plan for nursing teachers at Chimborazo National University, in Ecuador
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 6-19
PDF size: 265.36 Kb.
Background: higher medical education pays special attention to the satisfaction of learning needs; this favors the performance in the activities that each person develops both in the professional and individual field.Objective: to design a professional upgrading plan for teachers of the Nursing degree.
Methods: a descriptive study within the qualitative approach was carried out in the Health Sciences Faculty, at Chimborazo National University of Ecuador, from April to August 2016. Theoretical methods were used: analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction and historical-logical; empirical ones: an open questionnaire to identify learning needs; and mathematical-statistics for absolute and relative values.
Results: among the professors surveyed the female sex predominated and the ages comprised from 46 to 55 years; most of them had 10 or more years of teaching experience in higher education, they were teachers and holders of one or two subjects in terms of the relationship of work dependence. They admitted having training needs on Research Methodology and Pedagogy, as well as in other aspects of the profession, so an upgrading plan was designed and valued by specialists.
Conclusions: twelve areas that need to be treated during the training activities were determined. The upgrading plan was validated as very adequate and fairly adequate by specialists' criteria.
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