2019, Number 5
Clinical, epidemiological and nursing diagnostic evaluation of Usher syndrome
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 697-704
PDF size: 188.82 Kb.
Introduction: Usher syndrome is a heterogeneous group of hereditary diseases, which manifests itself clinically by associating sensorineural hearing loss with blindness, a fact that makes patients suffering from this disease require special nursing care.Objective: to assess the clinical, epidemiological and nursing diagnostic status of Usher syndrome in Pinar del Río between 2016 and 2018.
Methods: observational, descriptive and cross-sectional research. The target group consisted of 63 patients and the sample of 55 who met the inclusion criteria. The variables analyzed were: age, gender, best corrected central visual acuity, type of sensorineural hearing loss, clinical type of Usher syndrome and nursing diagnosis.
Results: 56,3 % of patients were male, 60 % of patients suffered from Usher Type II, 38,2 % presented values of central visual acuity better corrected between 0,7 -1,0, in 43,6 % of patients the sensorineural hearing loss was moderate; 100 % of cases presented as a nursing diagnosis the deterioration of the ability of movement, followed by deterioration of tissue integrity and risk of falling (85,5 %).
Conclusions: male gender predominated in the assessment and the age group of 61 years and older, with better corrected central visual acuity between 0.7-1.0 and moderate sensorineural hearing loss; and the clinical type of Usher II was the most frequent, as well as the diagnosis of nursing involving impaired ability to move.
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