2018, Number 20
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Rev Tame 2018; 6.7 (20)
Cuidados bucodentales que tienen los padres con el estado de salud dental de los niños con Trastorno del Espectro del Autismo en el CRIAT
Medina-Oropeza D, Rueda-Ventura MA, Ramírez-Mendoza J, Hernández AKE
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 769-772
PDF size: 262.65 Kb.
Patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) present an increased risk of oral pathology due to their diminished ability to participate in their daily hygiene.
Objective: To know the dental care that parents have and the dental status of children with ASD.
Materials and Methods: A prospective, cross-sectional study was conducted in the Resource Center for Comprehensive Care of the Autism Spectrum, in 22 children between 3 and 14 years old and 22 parents, who were evaluated by means of a questionnaire divided into three areas: dental hygiene, food and dental care. The oral care they have with their children. The oral status of the children was assessed by lifting the CPOD, ceod and O'Leary indexes.
Results: The oral care that parents have with children was known, which were considered good, as well as the assessment of children's dental status, which according to the CPOD and CEOD indexes, are considered low and moderate, and the Poor O'Leary index.
Conclusion: the dental care that parents have with the children of CRIAT is considered good, and the dental state of the children is considered regular.
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