2018, Number 2
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Rev Odotopediatr Latinoam 2018; 8 (2)
Drawing as a means of evaluation of fear/anxiety in children from 5 to 8 children in dental care. Descriptive study
Sias SSS, Ayala ECL, Pichardo SVA
Language: Spanish
References: 42
Page: 179-193
PDF size: 545.94 Kb.
Introduction: Fear/anxiety in children as an
emotional response to the threatening perception
of clinical dental procedures, generates
non-cooperative behaviors that hinder interventions.
Psychology in pediatric dentistry
use theoretical and technical knowledge to
evaluate, control and modify these behaviors
with diagnostic elements, such as children’s
drawings and their interpretation.
Aim: To
evaluate the level of fear/anxiety in children
who attend their first dental consultation
through graphic expression.
Materials and
methods: This is a descriptive, correlational
study under the field modality, carried out on
a group of 29 children of both sexes, from 5 to
8 years of age, who attended dental care for
the first time. Children were assessed for degree
of fear and anxiety through the projective
technique of the Human Figure Drawing, and
the Venham Drawing Test.
Results: 82.75%
of the population studied presented different
degrees of anxiety/fear, without a statistically
significant difference in relation to sex; with
respect to age, it was found to be statistically
significant that fear / anxiety occurs in older
Conclusion: The majority of children
who come to the dental office for the first
time suffer from dental anxiety and fear ac-
cording to the test of drawings of the Human
Figure and Venham.
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