2018, Number 2
Multi-disciplinary integration team for the development of oral health in high-risk and disabled children
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 166-178
PDF size: 448.06 Kb.
The purpose of this article is to boost the multi-disciplinary integration team for the development of oral health in high-risk and disabled children, following the program that is underway in the Childhood Development Centers (CDC). Aims: To identify the presence of oral health in the attention program developed by the specialists in the work team of the CDCs under study, To describe the elements linked to the health meaning dominated by the specialists of the CDCs work team, To identify the work specialties where oral health could be introduced in the atten- tion given by CDCs under study. Materials and methodology: quantitative and qualitative techniques were used; the subjects under observation were the team members of the work team. Results: in both CDCs, the specialists perform formative prevention activities, incorporating the children’s mothers; the instructors guide them in establishing and reinforcing the habits, including toothbrushing; the team does not have a professional Dentist; in both CDCs the Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists include the mouth in the massages they apply and the Language Therapist of CDC No. 2 works with the mouth, stimulating the functions related to language regarding the health meaning in both CDCs, it was found that an approximate 80% of professionals were lined up with the “multicausal” health theory; It is concluded that when oral health is formally incorporated in the CDCs multi-disciplinary team, a better attention will be given to the children, who are the main goal in these centers.REFERENCES
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