2019, Number 4
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Rev Ciencias Médicas 2019; 23 (4)
Brain Plasticity: a neuronal reality
Sierra BEM, León PMQ
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 599-609
PDF size: 394.66 Kb.
Introduction: brain is the most complex organ discovered up to date, due to the organization and interconnection of its individual neurons.
Objective: to analyze theoretical and experimental elements stated in the medical literature reviewed about cerebral plasticity mechanisms.
Methods: a descriptive study was carried out based on a bibliographic review. From the theoretical point of view historical-logical, analysis-synthesis and inductive-deductive methods were applied, which allowed the analysis of the main theories generated by different experimental studies.
Development: it has been demonstrated the existence of diverse mechanisms that allocate the neuronal rearrangement and replacement of cerebral functions, in response to diverse pathological events or as a result of learning and memory process.
Conclusions: both animal testing and studies carried out in human being using modern non-invasive techniques support the ideas of neuronal plasticity.
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