2019, Number 4
Eosinophilic colitis
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 567-577
PDF size: 404.03 Kb.
Introduction: eosinophilic colitis is a gastrointestinal disorder characterized by an inflammatory infiltration in the colon and rectum, with predominance of eosinophils, its clinical manifestation depend s on the affected intestinal epithelium layer, the exclusive affectation of the colon is exceptional, intestinal obstruction is the most evident manifestation and it is a disease of complex diagnosis, where the histological study is conclusive. It is prese nt from 1 to 20 inhabitants per 100.000, its etiology is imprecise, it has been determined that there is an important genetic and allergic component. Corticosteroids are the treatment of first choice.Case report: a 12 year old patient, presented abdominal pain, distension and was admitted, evolved with clinical and radiological signs of a mechanical ileus with progressive worsening, it was decided an exploratory laparotomy and colon biopsy. The patient was diagnosed with eosinophilic colitis and treated wi th corticosteroids, showing a satisfactory progression at 72 hours, with regression of the clinical chart.
Conclusion: t is rare and little study pathology, not frequently found, it affects the muscular layer as a type of intestinal obstruction, this sho uld be taken into account as a differential diagnosis of acute abdomen in pediatric patients.
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